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Delightful Day with Daffodils 

Been thinking recently about this past Mother’s Day and how special it was. My oldest daughter graduates soon from high school and will head to college in Philly this Fall. Time with both of my daughters together grows more precious. The girls put their heads together and agreed on the perfect day trip. We were… Continue reading Delightful Day with Daffodils 

Alarm · Chili · frankfurts · Hot Dog · Lincoln · RI · Saugy · vegetarian chili

1st Annual Jen’s Dish Event!

The first ever Jen’s Dish event was held the Saturday before the Super Bowl :(, at Washington Hill Liquors in Lincoln, RI. The afternoon was made all the more festive by the addition of Mike Murray and his Saugy Hot Dog cart! Who can resist free Saugy Frankfurts? A big THANK YOU to Kent &… Continue reading 1st Annual Jen’s Dish Event!